
One model :
Browse Edit Mini JSON - API
Many models :
List Cards Bubbles Charts - API
Filter Export Import

Evolutility-UI-jQuery provides a set of Backbone views for manipulating (viewing, editing, filtering, exporting, importing...) Backbone models and collections. These views are not defined in templates and custom code but configured by a ui-model.

Evolutility-UI-jQuery views are of 3 different types:



Evol.ViewOne provide a set of Backbone Views for to browse, add and edit one model.

Views: Browse, Edit, Mini (quick-edit), JSON.

API: Options - Methods - Events

More: Validation - Layout


 Browse Evol.ViewOne.Browse

Shows all fields for browsing the record in read-only mode. Fields are grouped in panels and tabs.

var vw = new Evol.ViewOne.Browse({
    el: $('#evol'),
    uiModel: myUIModel,
    model: myModel

API: Options - Methods - Events


 Edit Evol.ViewOne.Edit

This view shows all fields for edition to create or update models. It automatically performs validation based on the UI-model and supports the Master-Details pattern (nested collections). Fields are grouped in panels and tabs.

var vw = new Evol.ViewOne.Edit({
    el: $('#evol'),
    uiModel: myUIModel,
    model: myModel

API: Options - Methods - Events


 Mini (quick-edit) Evol.ViewOne.Mini

Only shows important fields (required or showing as a column in grids). Fields are grouped in a single panel.

var vw = new Evol.ViewOne.Mini({
    el: $('#evol'),
    uiModel: myUIModel,
    model: myModel

API: Options - Methods - Events


 JSON Evol.ViewOne.JSON

JSON representation of the data.

var vw = new Evol.ViewOne.JSON({
    el: $('#evol'),
    uiModel: myUIModel,
    model: myModel

This view is not useful to everyone, but can be convinient for developers.

API: Options - Methods - Events



To validate users input before validation rules automatically apply. These is determined by the field properties in the UI-model.

  • type - Field must be of the specified type (Text, Integer, Decimal, Date...).
  • required - Field must have a value.
  • max - Maximum value allowed.
  • min - Minimum value allowed.
  • maxLength - Maximum length.
  • minLength - Minimum length.
  • regExp - Regular expression to verify.
  • fnValidate - Custom validation function.

Validation happens when the user clicks the "Save" button. Invalid fields are flagged and a summary of all fields which didn't pass the validation is displayed.

Validation is used in views Edit and Mini (Quick Edit).



Layouts are used for the views "Browse" and "Edit". Evolutility follows the "flow positioning" method. Elements position is entirely determined by their order in the ui-model, which does not require any description of the positioning, absolute or relative, of the user interface on the screen. The ordering of the information and the internal description of each element (such as field type, width, and height) implies the coordonates of every element on each screen.

You can organize fields in panels (sections) on the page. Panels are placed sequentially, left to right, until a width of 100% is reached. Once the maximum width is reached, the next panel will appear below the previous group of panels.

In the following screenshot the form is organized into 4 panels for "Identity" (width=60%), "Contact Info" (width=40%), "Address" (width=60%), and "Misc." (width=40%). Each of these panels contains one or several fields.


Identity: width=60%
"Contact Info": width=40%
Address: width=60%
"Misc.": width=40%

Inside each panel, fields are placed using the same rule: placed sequentially, left to right, until a width of 100% is reached.



Lastname: width=100%
Firstname: width=100%
email: width=100%


Lastname: width=50%
Firstname: width=50%
email: width=100%

The previous 2 screenshots demonstrate how elements are re-positioned simply by changing their width.

The "flow positioning" method is also quite flexible as it allows different numbers of fields on different rows which is quite useful for cases like an address.


Address: width=100%
Address 2: width=100%
City: width=62%
State: width=15%
Zip: width=23%

View layout customization with CSS

It is possible to enhance or adapt layout by adding CSS classes.

For example, here is a CSS to change the background of all cards in the Cards views for all apps.

.evol-cards-body > .panel {
  background-color: blue;

It can also by applied to a specific object as follow:

[data-eid="contact"] .evol-cards-body > .panel {
 background-color: green !important;

For the demo, in Cards view, cards height is defined in CSS for each entity.



Views for a collection of many models: List, Cards, Bubbles, Charts.

API: Options - Methods - Events

 List Evol.ViewMany.List

Gives a tabular view of a collection with paging.

var vw = new Evol.ViewMany.List({
    el: $('#evol'),
    uiModel: myUIModel,
    collection: myCollection

API: Options - Methods - Events

 Cards Evol.ViewMany.Cards

Shows records side by side as cards. A single card can also act as a tooltip when using the view Bubbles .

var vw = new Evol.ViewMany.Cards({
    el: $('#evol'),
    uiModel: myUIModel,
    collection: myCollection

API: Options - Methods - Events

 Bubbles Evol.ViewMany.Bubbles

The "Bubbles" view displays the data as bubbles with controls to group them and set their color and size (this view uses D3.js).

var vw = new Evol.ViewMany.Bubbles({
    el: $('#evol'),
    uiModel: myUIModel,
    collection: myCollection
A tooltip with the Card view of the item is displayed on mouse over.

API: Options - Methods - Events

 Charts Evol.ViewMany.Charts

Displays charts about the collection. Draws a pie chart or bar chart for each field of type list, boolean, integer and decimal.

var vw = new Evol.ViewMany.Charts({
    el: $('#evol'),
    uiModel: myUIModel,
    collection: myCollection

API: Options - Methods - Events


Backbone Views for actions on a collection or a model.


 Filter Evol.ViewAction.Filter

View used to build a structured query to filter a collection.


Filter example: "phone number start by 415" or "for categories Finances and Business"... 

var vw = new Evol.ViewAction.Filter({
    el: $('#evol'),
    uiModel: myUIModel

 Export Evol.ViewAction.Export

View to define export options and preview the collection export in different data formats (CSV, TAB, HTML, XML, SQL and JSON).

var vw = new Evol.ViewAction.Export({
    el: $('#evol'),
    uiModel: myUIModel,
    colllection: myCollection

 Import Evol.ViewAction.Import

View to import data from a CSV or JSON source.

var vw = new Evol.ViewAction.Import({
    el: $('#evol'),
    uiModel: myUIModel

More Views will be added in the future (thinking of Summary, Mass update, Group, Dashboard, Report, Print, PDF, Auto-documentation and specs...).